Film, Newsmakers

Tandy Culpepper Talks with Actress Aba Arthur about her Work in The Color Purple & More


Aba Arthur is an actor, playwright, filmmaker, and author. This multi-hyphenate woman knew what she wanted her future to look like from day one. 

A cast member of Wakanda Forever, the sequel to Black Panther, she now can be seen in the new musical motion picture, The Color Purple, a revisiting of the 1985 film adapted from Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by the same name. There’s more on the near horizon: In the Spring of 2024, Arthur joins Vince Vaughn in the new crime drama series, Bad Monkey.

Aba is also the author of a self-help book, The 21 Day Boyfriend Cleanse… Because Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. 

Aba graduated from the University of Colorado with a BFA in Performing Arts and a BA in Political Science.

Published by Tandy Culpepper

I am a veteran broadcast journalist. I was an Army brat before my father retired and moved us to the deep South. I'm talkin' Lower Alabama and Northwest Florida, I graduated from Tate High School and got botha Bachelor's degree and Master's in Teaching English from the University of West Florida, I taught English at Escambia County High School for two years before getting my m's in Speech Pathology and Audiology from Auburn University. Following graduation, I did a 180 degree turn and moved to Birmingham where I began ny broadcasting career at WBIQ, Channel 10. There I was host of a weekly primetime half-hour TV program called Alabama Lifestyles. A year later, I began a stint as a television weathercaster and public affairs host. A year later, I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida and became bureau chief at WPTV, the CBS affiliate. Two years later, I moved to Greensboro, North Carolina where I became co-host of a morng show called AM Carolina. The next year, I moved cross-country and became co-host and story producer at KTVN-TV in Reno, Nevada. I also became the medical reporter for the news department. Three years later, I moved to Louisville, Kentucky and became host and producer of a morning show called today in WAVE Country at WAVE-TV, Channel 3, the NBC affiliate. Following three years there, I moved to Los Angeles and became senior correspondent at the Turner Entertainment Reportn, an internationally-syndicated entertainment entertainment news service owned by CNN. I went back to school afterwards and got an MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Goucher College in Towson, Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore. Oh, yes. I won a hundred thousand dollars on the 100 Thousand Dollar Pyramid, then hosted by Dick Clark.

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